14 - UNIFORMOLOGY CD - 2004- 14 - Walter Richards - Her Majesty's Army (2004), Uniformology CD

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Prints from
Her Majesty’s Army
by Walter Richards
Originally Published in 1888
Volume I
1. Original Cover
2. Frontspiece- The Horse Guards
3. The Scots Guards
4. 1st Royal Dragoons
5. 10th Hussars
6. 16th Lancers
7. Royal Artillery
8. Royal Horse Artillery
9. Royal Engineers
10. Military Doctor
11. 79th Cameron Highlanders
12, Chelsea Pensioner
13. 68th Durham Light Infantry
14. 87th Royal Irish Fusiliers
15. 25th King’s Own Scottish Borderers
16. 30th East Lancashire Regiment
17. 24th South Wales Borderers
18. The Honourable Artillery Company
19. The 57th Duke of Cambridge’s Own Regiment
20. The 43rd Oxfordshire Light Infantry
21. The 42nd Black Watch
22. The 21st Royal Scotch Fusiliers
23. The 72nd Seaforth Highlanders
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than those used to modern offset printing might expect. Many of the original plates were all hand colored and variations do occur.
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